Welcome to the European Population Conference 2024!

EPC 2024 is organized by the European Association for Population Studies EAPS in collaboration with the University of St Andrews (United Kingdom).

EPC 2024 will convene in Edinburgh, Scotland, from 12-15 June 2024.

EPC 2024 is a general population conference with a special focus on the topic of Sustainable Populations; submissions on this topic are especially welcome.



The 2024 Meeting

Thank you to all who participated in EPC 2024!


Certificate of Attendance

You may download a certificate of attendance vía the option available on the switchobard once logged in. 




EAPS Council and International Organizing Committee

Hill Kulu (EAPS President, University of St Andrews)
Emilio Zagheni (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research)
Anna Matysiak (Warsaw University)
Giancarlo Camarda (INED)
Raya Muttarak (University of Bologna)
Nico van Nimwegen (EAPS, Conference secretariat)

National and Local Organizing Committee St Andrews

Hill Kulu
Elspeth Graham
Julia Mikolai
Susan Watson
Melinda Mills
Jane Falkingham
Parth Pandya


Important Dates

1 September, 2023 Call for Papers

1 November, 2023 Deadline for Submissions

31 December, 2023 Deadline for Convener Reviews

1 February, 2024 Acceptance Notifications

7 April, 2024 Deadline for Authors Registration (extended from 1 April)

15 May, 2024 Deadline for updating Extended Abstracts

12 - 15 June, 2024 Conference