Saturday, June 15 / 11:00 - 12:30 LG.09

Session 115
Novel Applications of Traditional Tools in Fertility Studies

Chair: Laurent Toulemon, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

1. Broken Limits to Birth Expectancy?Annette Baudisch , Interdisciplinary Centre on Population Dynamics (CPop); Ryohei Mogi, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.

2. Son Preference across Cohorts: A Tale of Four CountriesKonstantin Kazenin , Stockholm University.

3. Using Dynamic Microsimulation to Assess the Effect of Changing Population Structures on Long-Term Trends in the Period TFRKarel Neels , University of Antwerp; Leen Marynissen, University of Antwerp; Jonas Wood, University of Antwerp.

4. Time to Pregnancy: Methodological Insights and New ResultsZsuzsanna Makay, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Laura Szabó , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute.

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