Saturday, June 15 / 11:00 - 12:30 LG.10

Session 116
Refugee Realities and Resettlement Reflections

Chair: James Raymer, Australian National University

1. Health, Life Satisfaction, Resilience and Discrimination among Refugees in GermanyDaria Mendola , Università degli Studi di Palermo, Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement (SPPEFF); Annalisa Busetta, University of Palermo.

2. How Neighborhood Context Determines Inequality Later in Life: Quasi-Experimental Evidence for the Children of Iranian Refugees in SwedenElena Pupaza , Stockholm University; Lisa Harber-Aschan, Stockholm University; Ben Wilson, Stockholm University.

3. How Attitudes towards Refugees Are Shaped by the Sex Ratio of Inflows: Evidence from an Online Survey ExperimentChia-Jung Tsai , Max-Planck Institute for Demographic Research; Robert Gordon Rinderknecht, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research; John Palmer, Pompeu Fabra University; Emilio Zagheni, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR).

4. Residential Location and the Educational Outcome of Swedish-Born Children Whose Parent/s Obtained Refugee Status in SwedenFrankseco J Yorke , Stockholm University.

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