Sergi Trias-Llimós , Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Jordi Guma-Lao, Centre for Demographic Studies
Aïda Solé-Auró, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Iñaki Permanyer, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics
Background: The gradual and constant declines in mortality in recent decades have greatly contributed to the increasing shares of older individuals in societies – or, in other words, to population ageing. In this context, a growing number of individuals suffer from major degenerative diseases related to ageing (e.g. dementia), as well as several chronic conditions, for instance, diabetes or high blood pressure. Understanding the association between these conditions and the set of diseases causing death as well as the mortality risks between different subpopulations defined by these health conditions would contribute to a better design of preventive policies in public health. Aim: We aim to describe the mortality dynamics associated with four key medical factors or major diseases in ageing societies: high blood pressure, diabetes, dementia and cancer. Data: We use health and mortality data for adults living in Catalonia using primary care health records for the 2005 cohort, accessible through the “Public Data Analysis for Health Research and Innovation Program” (PADRIS), which accounts for databases for primary care, acute hospital and mortality registry by underlying cause of death. Methods: We will construct descriptive tables of correspondence, and assess mortality risks associated with each condition, if possible by socioeconomic position. Expected results: Our results are expected to provide novel insights on associated mortality risks as well as new novel information on the extent to which these key medical risk factors or major diseases are documented as underlying causes of death.
Presented in Session 87. Mortality Trends and Risk Factors