Sabi Bercovich Szulmajster , Centre d'Estudis Demografics (CED)
This study delves into the intricate dynamics of gender categorization and its implications on inequality research by studying gender inequalities in education. Following queer and trans studies, it leverages data from the Mexican National Survey on Sexual and Gender Diversity to investigate the robustness of gender classification, following four distinct ways of categorizing gender locations to analyze educational outcomes. Linear models are employed to analyze disparities between gender categories that have been used in previous research. Additionally, latent class analysis is used to inductively identify gender locations among non-cis individuals. Preliminary results reveal significant insights: queer* individuals exhibit an initial advantage in educational outcomes, although this effect diminishes when accounting for age. In contrast, trans* individuals face significant educational disadvantages taking age into consideration. Surprisingly, binary or non-binary identification demonstrates no significant impact on educational outcomes. These preliminary findings underline the complexity of gender categorization and their impact on research outcomes, suggesting a need to reconsider conventional methods of data collection and research in gender diversity. By embracing a comprehensive and inclusive approach, this research broadens the understanding of how gender identities intersect with educational outcomes, encouraging further exploration into the intricate interplay of gender location and educational inequalities.
Presented in Session P3. Migration, Economics, Policies, History