Stefanie Heyne, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim
Irena Kogan , University of Mannheim
Jana Kuhlemann, Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES), University of Mannheim
Against the backdrop of the 2015/16 refugee migration, when many young unmarried men from Syria and Afghanistan arrived in Germany and have since faced difficulties in finding co-ethnic (marriage) partners, we investigate (1) to what extent they are open to partnerships with members of the German population, including those with a migration background, and (2) what the reactions of the German population are. Using virtually identical factorial survey experiments conducted in two datasets?the 9th wave of the CILS4EU-DE and the 1st wave of the PARFORM survey of male refugees from Syria and Afghanistan?our study compares the preferences on both sides and tests whether they match the characteristics of the respective populations. In both surveys, respondents were randomly assigned to experimental groups that differed in their descriptions of potential partners along several dimensions and were asked to rate their willingness to enter into a romantic relationship with the person described. In our analyses, we first compare the partner preferences and actual characteristics of young male refugees and young women from the German population on the dimensions of education, religion and religiosity. Second, we identify potential matches by analysing the preferences and characteristics of those young male refugees and young women who best correspond to the respective preferences and characteristics of the other side. By comparing the preferences of both sides and taking into account the respective characteristics of potential partners, we gain a better understanding of the potential for partnership formation between refugees and members of the host society.
Presented in Session 91. Marriage and Unions of Migrant Populations