Bettina Hünteler , University of Cologne
Diego Alburez-Gutierrez, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Much existing research in the demography of kinship focuses on the structural availability of kin (i.e., number and kind alive). We know less about how individuals transition through different ‘generational placements’ over their lives (e.g., when and how long they are parents). We combine empirical and synthetic micro-level data to project generational placement trajectories for the entire life course of the complete population of Norway born in 1953. We use register data to characterize trajectories for the years in which it is available (1953-2019). For ‘future’ periods (2020-2051), we use demographic kinship microsimulation to cover the entire 0-100 age range. Preliminary results show that generational placement trajectories are an efficient tool for showing heterogeneity in intergenerational kin availability. The analysis paves the path towards obtaining results on a global level and including projections for the future. Analyses based on microsimulations will be carried out in the coming months following research on similar topics.
Presented in Session 94. Intergenerational Relations and Transfers