A Closer Look at Fertility: A Qualitative Study on Albanian Women in Italy

Eleonora Miaci , La Sapienza University of Rome
Eralba Cela, University of Milan
Cristina Giudici, Sapienza University of Rome
Marina Attili, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)
Cinzia Castagnaro, Italian National Statistical Institute
Antonella Guarneri, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT)

"A Closer Look at Fertility: a Qualitative Study on Albanian Women in Italy” Keywords: Migrant fertility, Albanian woman, Italy, In-depth interview The fertility of migrant women in Italy has witnessed a marked decline over recent years and is set to narrow further in time. Despite this shrinking gap, the demographic contribution of migrants’ children remains vital in mitigating the overall declining birth rate. This study aims to further the debate on the fertility of migrants, with a specific focus on the Albanian community in Italy. To achieve this, we employ a mixed-methodology approach. Firstly, we estimate the fertility rates among Albanians at the provincial level using data from the Italian Birth Register. Secondly, we delve into the determinants of their reproductive intentions and behaviour, based on thirty in-depth interviews with first-generation Albanian mothers, aged between 18 and 49 years, who are residing in Italy. This qualitative approach was chosen for two primary reasons: it allows for a comprehensive exploration of the complex socio-cultural dynamics and multifaceted nature of reproductive behaviours, often oversimplified in quantitative analyses. Additionally, it allows us to fill the lacuna in provincial-level data on fertility determinants by citizenship. A pivotal dimension of this research involves evaluating the impact of welfare in terms of social, economic, and familial policies, as well as the availability of childcare services, on the fertility behaviours and intentions of Albanian women in Italy.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session P1. Fertility, Family, Life Course