Sequences of Labour Market Entry of Higher Education Graduates in Poland

Agnieszka Chlon-Dominczak, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Mikolaj Jasinski , University of Warsaw
Marek Bozykowski, University of Warsaw
Przemyslaw Kopa, University of Warsaw

Almost half of the young people in Poland have a tertiary education degree. The fast expansion of higher education, observed after the economic transition in Poland, led to the decline of the premium for tertiary education, observed at the labour market. Transition from education to labour market can take different paths, as employers may take into account differences in fields of study upon hiring labour market entrants (i.e. Klein, 2016). The aim of our study is to investigate the gender relevance of graduates' labour market entry patterns taking into account the individual characteristics of the graduate, characteristics of the completed studies completed, as well demographic, economic and epidemiological characteristics of the place of residence. We also analyse the relevance of the Covid-19 pandemic to graduates' labour market entry pathways, that is if there is a distinct pattern of labour market entry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results indicate that the individual characteristics, including also fields of study affect labour market entry paths. Covid-19 pandemic also affected the composition of different paths of labour market entry.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 55. Labour Force Transitions and Life Stages