Family-Care-Employment Trajectories across Early- and Mid- Adulthood

Katia Begall , Radboud University Nijmegen
Ellen Verbakel, Radboud University

The aim of this study is to examine how family, care and employment interact in men’s and women’s lives across early- to mid-adulthood (ages 26 to 46) using the 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70). We use latent class analysis to identify family-care-employment configurations at different ages and subsequently assess which typical trajectories of configurations can be inferred across mid- and early adulthood. The conceptualization of care includes childrearing as well as informal care and household tasks, thereby providing a broader perspective than previous research. Moreover, by assessing how occupational interests measured in adolescence and early adulthood relate to family-care-employment configurations and trajectories, we attempt to shed light on the role of self-selection vis-à-vis the role of socio-economic resources.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 103. Parental Leave