Saturday, June 15 / 9:00 - 10:30 LG.06

Session 101
Migrant Populations and Fertility

Chair: Ariane Pailhe, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

1. Determinants of Fertility among Immigrants and Descendants in the UKJiseon Baek , University of St. Andrews; Hill Kulu, University of St Andrews; Sarah Christison, University of St Andrews; Francesca F Fiori, University of Strathclyde.

2. The Association Between Reason for Migration and Fertility in SwedenErik Carlsson , Stockholm University Demography Unit.

3. Shaping the Life Course: The Interaction between Partnerships, Family Building and Employment among Migrants and Their Descendants in the UKSarah Christison , University of St Andrews; Hill Kulu, University of St Andrews.

4. Too Early or Not Soon Enough? Examining Timing of Parenthood among Migrant DescendantsJosé Luis Estévez , University of Helsinki; Anna Rotkirch, Väestöliitto.

5. Employment Uncertainty and Fertility Decision-Making – Migrant-Native Disparities in ScandinaviaLounela Mimmi , Stockholm University.

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 Other sessions on Migrant Populations