Saturday, June 15 / 11:00 - 12:30 Lecture Theatre B

Session 111
Labour Markets and Couples

Chair: Nicoletta Balbo, Bocconi University

1. Leaving the Career behind? Long-Term Wage Consequences of Fathers’ Parental Leave Use in GermanyCorinna Frodermann, Institute for Employment Research; Ann-Christin Bächmann, Institute for Employment Research; Andreas Filser , Institute for Employment Research (IAB).

2. Economic Situation and Later-Life Divorce: A ‘His’ and ‘Her’ PerspectiveLinda Kridahl , Stockholm University; Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk, Stockholm University; Ann-Zofie Duvander, Stockholm University.

3. Does Outsourcing of Domestic Work Reduce Gender Inequality in Labor Force Participation within Households? - A Couple-Level Panel AnalysisLiat Raz-Yurovich , Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Assaf Tsachor-Shai, Pareto Consulting Group.

4. Fathers’ and Mothers’ Longitudinal Employment Patterns around First Birth in Germany: A Group Based Multi Trajectory Modeling ApproachLili Vargha , Humboldt University of Berlin & Hungarian Demographic Research Institute.

5. Exposure to Plant Closure and Mental Health Effects on Parents, Partners, and ChildrenJonathan Wörn , Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

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 Other sessions on Economics, Human Capital and Labor Markets