Saturday, June 15 /
11:00 - 12:30
Session 118 Work and Family
Chair: Alina Pavelea, University of Warsaw
Work and Family Conflict: Indicators, Changes, and Welfare Policy Regimes •
Shih-Yi Chao , Academia Sinica.
Beyond the Clock: Uncovering the Relation between Working Overtime and Paid Parental Leave Uptake •
Flore Debruyne , Stockholm University.
Regional Differences in Childcare Availability and Employment Trajectories around First Childbirth in East and West Germany, 1990-2021 •
Sophia Fauser , Humboldt University of Berlin; Emanuela Struffolino, University of Milan and Humboldt-Univerisität zu Berlin; Asaf Levanon, University of Haifa.
Working from Home and Work-Family Conflict Revisited: Longitudinal Evidence from Australia Pre- and Post-Pandemic •
Inga Lass , The University of Melbourne; Mark Wooden, University of Melbourne.
Plans and Realization of (Re-)Employment among First Time Mothers Three Years after Childbirth •
Fruzsina Ökrös , Hungarian Demographic Research Institute; Zsuzsanna Makay, Hungarian Demographic Research Institute.
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