Saturday, June 15 / 11:00 - 12:30 G.03 (Lecture Theatre)

Session 119
Flash session Policy Development and Measurement

Chair: Anne H. Gauthier, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)

1. Family Policy Knowledge across the Life CourseAlzbeta Bartova , KU Leuven.

2. Are Age Limits for Assisted Reproduction Adapting to Late Fertility Trends?Marie-Caroline Compans , Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital.

3. Machine-Learning Technique for Drafting Regional Population Policy: Cluster-Based Demographic Typology of Rural Municipalities in the Three Baltic CountriesAleksandrs Dahs, University of Latvia; Juris Krumins , University of Latvia.

5. Sexual and Reproductive Health in Displacement - a Reflexive Perspective on Evidence, Needs, and Policy PrioritiesRosanna Le Voir , London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

6. Too Little, Too Weak? Family Policies and Workers’ Bargaining ResponseVincent Jerald Ramos , Centre for Population Change / University of Southampton.

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