Thursday, June 13 / 11:00 - 12:30 LG.06

Session 17

Chair: Mathieu Ichou, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)

1. Gendered Neighborhood Networks and the Labor Market Integration of Female RefugeesSebastian Bähr , Institute for Employment Research (IAB); Kerstin Ostermann, Institute for Employment Research (IAB).

2. From Involuntary Mobility to Voluntary Immobility? Understanding the Complex Dynamics of Refugees’ Stay or Return IntentionsCecilia Fortunato , Sapienza Università di Roma; Elena Ambrosetti, La Sapienza, University of Rome.

3. Unveiling Integration: Educational Enrollment Pathways for Adult Refugees in SwedenSamaneh Khaef , Stockholm university.

5. Lost in Definition – Differences and Similarities between War Refugees from Ukraine and Pre-2022 Ukrainian Immigrants in PolandPawel A. Strzelecki , SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

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