Thursday, June 13 / 9:00 - 10:30 Lecture Theatre B

Session 2
Machine Learning Approaches for Population Research

Chair: Melinda Mills, University of Oxford

1. A Novel Machine Learning Approach to Identify COVID-19 Deaths Among Excess Deaths Reported to Non-COVID-19 CausesMathew Kiang , Stanford University; Andrew Stokes, Boston University.

2. Death Predictions from Social Determinants: Holistically and Precisely with Explainable AIJiani Yan , University of Oxford.

3. The EU Migration Flow Proportions by Age, Sex and Educational AttainmentDilek Yildiz , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; Guy J. Abel, University Of Hong Kong.

4. Disaggregation of National Level Population Projections to Municipal Level Using a Neural Network ApproachOrlando Olaya Bucaro, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Andrea Tamburini , International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis; Erich Striessnig, University of Vienna; Claudio Bosco, Joint Research Centre European Commission.

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