Thursday, June 13 / 11:00 - 12:30 LG.09

Session 20
Fertility and Singlehood

Chair: Ivett Szalma, Centre for Social Sciences- Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence

1. More than just postponement: quantifying the contributions of education and unions to the fertility gap by simulating the reproductive life courses of Dutch womenRolf Granholm , University of Groningen; Gert Stulp, University of Groningen; Anne H. Gauthier, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).

2. Exposure to Non-Partnership and Fertility Desires among the Childless Population in JapanRyohei Mogi, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Ryota Mugiyama, Gakushuin University; Alyce Raybould , University College London.

3. No Experience of Union Formation as a Proximate Determinant of Remaining ChildlessRyohei Mogi , Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Ewa Batyra, Center for Demographic Studies (CED) and Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR); Ilya Kashnitsky, Interdisciplinary Centre On Population Dynamics, University Of Southern Denmark.

4. “Better than Childless?” The Role of Socioeconomic Status in the Likelihood of Becoming a First-Time Mother while Single at Later AgesDenise Musni , DEMO-UCLouvain; Christine Schnor, UCLouvain.

5. Decomposing Fertility Rates in Australia: The Impact of Changing Relationship Patterns and Increasing SinglehoodAnna Reimondos , Australian National University; Bethan Allen, Australian National University; Edith E. Gray, Australian National University; Ann Evans, Australian National University.

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