Thursday, June 13 / 16:00 - 17:30 Lecture Theatre C

Session 42
Gender, Households and Housework

Chair: Inga Lass, The University of Melbourne

1. Gender Differences in Housework among Unipersonal Households: A Cross-National AnalysisJoan GARCIA-ROMAN , Centre for Demographic Studies.

2. Do Less Gendered Unpaid Work Arrangements during the Covid-19 Pandemic Lead to Higher Satisfaction from the Division of Childcare and Housework among Parents?Ilyar Heydari Barardehi, University of Warsaw; Anna Kurowska , Univeristy of Warsaw.

3. Outsourcing and Egalitarianism in Division of Domestic Work: Complementary or Competing Strategies for Addressing Work-Family Conflict?Barbara Okun ; Liat Raz-Yurovich, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

4. The Unequal Division of Unpaid Work in Italian Couples of Different Generations: Does the Adherence to Traditional Value Still Matter?Maria Letizia Tanturri , University of Padova; Annalisa Donno, University of Padova.

5. “We Equally Share Tasks, but…” Justifications for the Unequal Gender Distribution of Housework among Highly Educated Spanish CouplesMireia Almirall Llambrich , Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics; Pau Miret, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics; Xiana Bueno García, School of Public Health, Indiana University; Joan GARCIA-ROMAN, Centre for Demographic Studies.

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 Other sessions on Families and Households