Friday, June 14 / 11:00 - 12:30 G.03 (Lecture Theatre)

Session 69
Mortality Inequalities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Chair: Marc Luy, Vienna Institute of Demography

1. Cause-Specific Decomposition of Short-Term Mortality Disturbances: Application to the Analysis of Mortality Disturbances by Income Level in 10 Countries in 2020, during the First Wave of the Covid-19 PandemicEnrique Acosta , Centre for Demographic Studies.

2. Inequalities in Covid-19 Mortality in Belgium by Socio-Economic Status and by Nationality of OriginPatrick Deboosere , Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

3. Life Expectancy among Immigrants in Sweden pre and during COVID-19: A Consideration of Different Origins and Types of Residence Permits.Daniela Foresta , Sapienza Università di Roma; Eleonora Mussino, Stockholm University; Matthew Wallace, Stockholm University.

4. Do Migrants Have a Mortality Disadvantage in the Care Setting? Living Arrangement and Mortality among Elderly Migrants in Sweden before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic.Eleonora Mussino, Stockholm University; Karin Modig, Karolinska Institutet; Anna C. Meyer, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska institutet; Sol Juarez, Lund University; Gunnar Andersson, Stockholm University; Sven Drefahl , Stockholm University.

5. Monitoring Mortality Inequalities in Italy: A New Indicator System Is Now Available for 2019 and for the First Year of the Covid-19 PandemicMarilena Pappagallo , Istat (Italian National Institute of Statistics); Luisa Frova, Istituto Nazionale di Statistica (ISTAT).

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 Other sessions on Mortality and Longevity