Friday, June 14 /
14:00 - 15:30
Lecture Theatre B
Session 75 Union Formation
Chair: Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence
All the Single Ladies - and Gentlemen. The Gendered Role of Education and Career Investments for Lifelong Singlehood over Italian Birth Cohorts. •
Beatrice Caniglia , University of Trento; Anna Zamberlan, University of Trento; Paolo Barbieri, University of Trento.
Union Formation and Marriage Formation in Times of Fertility Decline:
The Case of Sweden in the 21st Century •
Stefano Cantalini, Università degli Studi di Milano; Sofi Ohlsson-Wijk, Stockholm University; Gunnar Andersson , Stockholm University.
The Effects of “Overwork” on the Timing of First Marriage •
Sungsik Hwang , University of Wisconsin-Madison; Jenna Nobles, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
From Dreams to Reality: A Longitudinal Analysis of Youth Aspirations and Adulthood Achievements in Australia •
Ann Evans , Australian National University; Edith E. Gray, Australian National University; Anna Reimondos, Australian National University.
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Other sessions on
Families and Households