Friday, June 14 / 11:00 - 12:30 G.06

Session 72
Spatial Segregation and Migrant Populations

Chair: Agata A. Górny, University of Warsaw

1. Does Access to Regular Work Affect Immigrants’ Integration Outcomes? Evidence from an Italian Amnesty ProgramSimona Fiore, University of Verona; Chiara Pronzato , University of Turin & CCA; Luca Mo Costabella, ASVAPP.

2. From Diversity to Division (and Back): Unravelling Two Decades of Population Change in Belgian CitiesLena Imeraj , Vrije Universiteit Brussel.

3. The Housing Integration of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in GermanyChia Liu , University of St. Andrews; Hill Kulu, University of St Andrews.

4. Understanding the Effects of Migration Background on Internal Migration BehaviorAlon Pertzikovitz , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI) / KNAW/ University of Groningen; Gusta Wachter, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)/KNAW/University of Groningen; Matthijs Kalmijn, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Research Institute NIDI/University of Groningen.

5. What Neighbourhood Context Do Immigrants and Their Descendants Grow up in? A Comparative Study of Four Distinct Generations in France and SwedenRosa Weber , Stockholm University; Elena Pupaza, Stockholm University; Ben Wilson, Stockholm University; Mathieu Ichou, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED).

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