Not so Global Uncertainty. On Three Sources of Fears and Worries and Their Relationship to Childbearing Choices.

Monika Mynarska , Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Oliwia Piekarska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw

Uncertainty has long been recognized as a significant factor influencing reproductive decision-making. Fears stemming from economic instability, global pandemics, or climate change are frequently discussed in this context. Acknowledging the importance of different sources of uncertainty, several countries implementing Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) have integrated a series of questions to assess selected fears and worries about the future. Although these questions were designed to provide an overall score of global uncertainty, factor analysis on a Norwegian sample of childless individuals aged 18-44 has revealed multidimensionality of the scale. In particular, it was possible to distinguish three distinct dimensions, indicating fears related to (1) the potential disruption of economic and social order, (2) the political future of the state, and (3) the climate change. In this study, we will explore the three dimensions and verify whether they can be identified in other GGS-countries, where the relevant questions were also included (i.a., Estonia and Finland). Further, we will examine how different dimensions of fears and worries are related to childbearing ideals and intentions.

See extended abstract

 Presented in Session 26. Flash session Fertility Intentions