Thursday, June 13 / 11:00 - 12:30 McEwan Hall

Session 26
Flash session Fertility Intentions

Chair: Edith E. Gray, Australian National University

1. Economic Uncertainty and Intentions to Remain Childless – Worries about the Economy or Individual- Level Economic Uncertainty?Ann M. Berrington , University of Southampton; Bernice Kuang, University of Southampton; Brienna Perelli-Harris, University of Southampton.

3. Not so Global Uncertainty. On Three Sources of Fears and Worries and Their Relationship to Childbearing Choices.Monika Mynarska , Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw; Oliwia Piekarska, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw.

4. Division of Labour in the Family and Fertility Intentions: Evidence from the Generations and Gender Survey-IIAllan Puur , Tallinn University; Mark Gortfelder, Tallinn University.

5. If and when to Have a Child: How Fertility Preferences Are Stratified by Age Group in ItalyRebecca Soldo , Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento; Agnese Vitali, University of Trento.

6. Evaluating the East Asian Model of Low Fertility Hypothesis: Evidence from JapanFumiya Uchikoshi , Princeton University; Ryota Mugiyama, University of Tokyo; James Raymo, Princeton University.

7. Do People Really Know Their Fertility Intentions? Analyzing Correspondence between Self-Reported Fertility Intentions and NarrativesXiao Xu , Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI); Anne H. Gauthier, Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI); Gert Stulp, University of Groningen; Antal van den Bosch, Meertens Institute.

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 Other sessions on Fertility