Friday, June 14 / 9:00 - 10:30 Lecture Theatre A

Session 53
Flash session Climate Change, Individual Attitudes and Behavior

Chair: Tobias Ruttenauer, University College London

1. Heat Exposure and Heterogeneities in Climate Change Attitudes and Green Voting in EuropeJacopo Bassetto , University of Bologna; Jonas Peisker, IIASA; Roman Hoffmann, International Institute For Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Global Human Capital; Piero Stanig, Bocconi University; Raya Muttarak, University of Bologna.

2. Are Climate Change Concerns Related to Fertility Intentions, and for Whom? Evidence from Five European Countries.Irene Frageri , University of Bologna; Francesca Zanasi, University of Bologna; FRANCESCA LUPPI, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; Raya Muttarak, University of Bologna; Alessandro Rosina, Catholic University Milan.

3. Red and Processed Meat Consumption in Italian Households: The Role of Environmental Sensibility on Individual PropensityEmanuela Furfaro , University of California, Davis; Giulia Rivellini, Università Cattolica, Milan; Laura Terzera, Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca.

4. Meat, Water, and Clothing: Insights into Italian Youth’s Willingness to Adopt Sustainable BehaviorsGabriele Lombardi , University of Florence; Alessio Muscillo, University of Siena; Elena Sestini, University of Siena; Francesca Garbin, Charles River Associates; Elisa Castellaccio, University of Bologna; Paolo Pin, University of Siena.

5. Moving to the Green? The Importance of Private, Semi-Private and Neighborhood Green Spaces in Residential Relocations across the Life Course.Tetiana Dovbischuk , University of Hamburg; Stefanie A. Kley, University of Hamburg.

6. Environmental Uncertainty and Fertility IntentionsRaya Muttarak, University of Bologna; Chiara Puglisi , University of Bologna; Daniele Vignoli, University of Florence.

7. The Role of Environmental and Climate Factors on Migration: The Case of Ghana from 1985 to 2014Daniela Ghio, University of Catania; Sarah Hoyos-Hoyos , Toronto Metropolitan University; Gavin Liu, Toronto Metropolitan University; Robert McLeman, Wilfrid Laurier University; Emmanuel Kyeremeh, Toronto Metropolitan University; Gabby Resch, Ontario Tech University; Ali Mazalek , Toronto Metropolitan University.

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